Site-Specific Requests

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As part of the ongoing Regional Plan Review, property owners can request amendments to policy to allow development(s) on certain properties. These are called site specific requests.

About the Regional Plan Review

The Halifax Regional Municipal Planning Strategy (also called the 'Regional Plan') sets out a common vision, principles, and long-range, region-wide planning policies outlining where, when, and how future growth and development should take place. The Regional Plan is regularly reviewed, and the current review was initiated in 2020. The review is organized into phases - the timeline on this page (found on the right on browser or at the bottom of the page on mobile) explains more about each phase.

Please click here to visit the Regional Plan Review Project page and learn more about the Draft Regional Plan.


Site Specific Requests

Site Specific Requests are applications for changes to policy to allow specific development(s). The table below summarizes the different types of requests. Comments on all requests will continue to be accepted on an ongoing basis. To provide feedback, please email and reference the case number. Click on a request type for more detailed information.

Site Specific Request TypeDescription
New Requests
These requests have not yet been analyzed for a recommended approach. Click here to view requests.

Urban Reserve Lands

Requests to initiate comprehensive secondary planning or to amend the existing designation and zoning for lands designated Urban Reserve, which the Regional Plan envisioned for future serviced development after 2031. Click here to view requests.

Urban Service Boundary - General
Requests to amend the Urban Service Area boundary and/or the Water Service Area boundary to enable development of properties with municipally provided water and/or wastewater services. Click here to view requests.

Urban Service Boundary - Middle Sackville
Requests to amend the Urban Service Area boundary and/or the Water Service Area boundary in the Middle Sackville Area to enable development of properties with municipally provided water and/or wastewater services. Click here to view requests.

Schedule J - Beaver Bank & Hammonds Plains Growth Control Area
Requests to allow development on lands within the Beaver Bank/Hammonds Plains Growth Control Area (Schedule J), which restricts residential subdivision activity within portions of the Beaver Bank and Hammonds Plains communities until transportation infrastructure capacity is increased. Click here to view requests.

Urban Plan Amendment
Requests for supportive Regional Plan policy to enable an alternative form of development or increased density for lands currently within the Urban Settlement designation. Click here to view requests.

Rural Plan Amendment

Requests for supportive Regional Plan policy to enable an alternative form of development or increased density for lands currently within the Rural Commuter designation. Click here to view requests.

Industrial Lands

Requests for comprehensive planning for lands within the Regional Plan’s Business/ Industrial Sub-designation. Click here to view requests.

To find out where development requests are being considered, click the Interactive Map below.

Detailed information on the site specific requests can be found on the Requests Tab below.

As part of the ongoing Regional Plan Review, property owners can request amendments to policy to allow development(s) on certain properties. These are called site specific requests.

About the Regional Plan Review

The Halifax Regional Municipal Planning Strategy (also called the 'Regional Plan') sets out a common vision, principles, and long-range, region-wide planning policies outlining where, when, and how future growth and development should take place. The Regional Plan is regularly reviewed, and the current review was initiated in 2020. The review is organized into phases - the timeline on this page (found on the right on browser or at the bottom of the page on mobile) explains more about each phase.

Please click here to visit the Regional Plan Review Project page and learn more about the Draft Regional Plan.


Site Specific Requests

Site Specific Requests are applications for changes to policy to allow specific development(s). The table below summarizes the different types of requests. Comments on all requests will continue to be accepted on an ongoing basis. To provide feedback, please email and reference the case number. Click on a request type for more detailed information.

Site Specific Request TypeDescription
New Requests
These requests have not yet been analyzed for a recommended approach. Click here to view requests.

Urban Reserve Lands

Requests to initiate comprehensive secondary planning or to amend the existing designation and zoning for lands designated Urban Reserve, which the Regional Plan envisioned for future serviced development after 2031. Click here to view requests.

Urban Service Boundary - General
Requests to amend the Urban Service Area boundary and/or the Water Service Area boundary to enable development of properties with municipally provided water and/or wastewater services. Click here to view requests.

Urban Service Boundary - Middle Sackville
Requests to amend the Urban Service Area boundary and/or the Water Service Area boundary in the Middle Sackville Area to enable development of properties with municipally provided water and/or wastewater services. Click here to view requests.

Schedule J - Beaver Bank & Hammonds Plains Growth Control Area
Requests to allow development on lands within the Beaver Bank/Hammonds Plains Growth Control Area (Schedule J), which restricts residential subdivision activity within portions of the Beaver Bank and Hammonds Plains communities until transportation infrastructure capacity is increased. Click here to view requests.

Urban Plan Amendment
Requests for supportive Regional Plan policy to enable an alternative form of development or increased density for lands currently within the Urban Settlement designation. Click here to view requests.

Rural Plan Amendment

Requests for supportive Regional Plan policy to enable an alternative form of development or increased density for lands currently within the Rural Commuter designation. Click here to view requests.

Industrial Lands

Requests for comprehensive planning for lands within the Regional Plan’s Business/ Industrial Sub-designation. Click here to view requests.

To find out where development requests are being considered, click the Interactive Map below.

Detailed information on the site specific requests can be found on the Requests Tab below.

  • New Requests

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    New Requests - No Recommended Approach

    These requests have been received recently and not yet been analyzed for a recommended approach.

    To provide feedback on Site Specific Requests, please email and reference the case number.

    New Requests
    Last updated Mar 18, 2025
    925 Windgate Drive, Beaver Bank | C863

    Request from Mirus Homes to include 925 Windgate Drive, Beaver Bank, in the urban service boundary.

    For additional information regarding C863, please click here.

    Lands North of Frederick Lake, Hubley | C882

    Request from Five Bridges Wilderness Heritage Trust to rezone PID 40053654 to Protected Area (PA) Zone.

    For additional information regarding C882, please click here.

    Lands North of Governors Lake, Lakeside and Timberlea | C902

    Request from Fathom Studios, on behalf of Parkdale Developments, to extend the service boundary to allow for serviced development.

    For additional information regarding C902, please click here.

    North Preston Rd at Johnson Rd, North Preston | C931 Request from Zzap, on behalf of the landowner, to extend the service boundary to allow for serviced development over the entire property.

    For additional information regarding C931, please click here.

    Fall River Rd at Hunts Brook Rd, Fall River | C944

    Request from DesignPoint on behalf of the landowner to extend the water service boundary.

    For additional information regarding C944, please click here.

    Beaver Bank Rd at Gilby Cres | C946

    Request to alter the schedule J growth control area and enable PID 40022030 to be subdivided into 9 lots.

    For additional information regarding C946, please click here.
    Twin Brooks Subdivision Phase 4C, Middle Sackville | C948 Request from Arch Communities to extend the urban service boundary at PID 40140501 to build a more efficient wastewater collection system for Twin Brooks Subdivision Phase 4C.

    For additional information regarding C948, please click here.
    449 Heatherglen Dr, Beaver Bank | C959
    Request from the property owners to alter the schedule J growth control area to allow subdivision of multiple lots on the property.

    For additional information regarding C959, please click here.

  • Urban Reserve Land Requests

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    Urban Reserve Lands - Recommended Approach | Confirmed by Regional Council on December 12, 2023.

    These are requests to initiate comprehensive secondary planning or to amend the existing designation and zoning for lands designated Urban Reserve, which the Regional Plan envisioned for future serviced development after 2031.

    To provide feedback on Site Specific Requests, please email and reference the case number.

    Tables based on the December 12, 2023 Regional Plan Review – What We Heard Report (Attachment B).

    Phase 4 Requests - Draft Regional Plan Phase 4 Recommended Approach

    Lands on Purcell’s Cove Road | C025

    Request from ZZap Consulting, on behalf of Tony Maskine, to redesignate the property to permit an unserviced subdivision.

    • Redesignate the lands to Rural Commuter and apply zoning that will permit large lot subdivision.
    • Under the Regional Subdivision Bylaw, Purcell’s Cove Road (Route 253) is a “Schedule K” road; lots in the Rural Commuter designation on Schedule K roads must have a minimum of 61 metres of public road frontage.
    • The existing lot has approximately 355 metres of frontage; therefore, it is anticipated that the proposed amendments will permit subdivision for a maximum of 5 lots.
    • A watercourse buffer (proposed to be 30 metres under the Draft Regional Plan) will apply from Williams Lake.

    Purcell’s Cove Backlands, Purcell’s Cove | Case 22257

    HRM initiated request to review all lands in the Urban Reserve Designation in the Purcell’s Cove area, as a result of HRM’s acquisition of Shaw Wilderness Park.

    • Acknowledge that an urban form of serviced development is no longer envisioned in this location;
    • Re-designate and rezone the Shaw Wilderness Park lands to Open Space and Natural Resources Designation and the Regional Park Zone to reflect its current use;
    • Re-designate and rezone other publicly-owned lands and private conservation lands to the Open Space and Natural Resource Designation and the Protected Area Zone;
    • Re-designate privately owned Urban Reserve lands to Rural Commuter within a specified and limited distance of Purcell’s Cove Road, apply the Open Space and Natural Resource Designation to the remainder of the properties, and apply a new Purcell’s Cove Backlands Designation and Zone within the Halifax Mainland Secondary Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law to the lands.

    Phase 5 Requests - Future Growth Phase 5 Recommended Approach

    Clifton Heights | C070-A

    Request from Armco Capital Inc. to extend Urban Service Area Boundary to allow for serviced development on the full extent of these lands, related to an active subdivision application.

    • Planning for development in this Urban Reserve area will be considered after the completion of study and planning for future serviced communities in the Urban Settlement designation.
    • This is in keeping with the existing Regional Plan policy which envisioned these lands will be considered for serviced development after 2031.
    • In Phase 5, staff will undertake a Strategic Growth and Infrastructure Priority Plan. Should this area be confirmed as a location for future growth, staff will recommend to Regional Council whether background study to support future master planning in this area should commence.
    • Background studies would include ecological and cultural considerations, as well as baseline transportation and water and wastewater infrastructure studies.

    • To view the Holding Zone requests map, please click here.

    Near Kidston Lake | C071

    Request from Sightline Planning + Approvals (formerly KWR Approvals Inc.), on behalf of North American Real Estate, to consider a 4,800 unit serviced development on the subject lands.

    Lands Southwest of Herring Cove | C074

    Request from Stephen Adams, on behalf of the property owners, to include the subject lands in the Urban Service Area boundary to allow for serviced development on the full extent of these lands.

    Herring Cove / Spryfield | C333

    Request from Stephen Adams, on behalf of several property owners to rezone properties to R-2.

  • Urban Service Boundary Requests - General

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    Urban Service Area Boundary Requests - General, Recommended Approach | Confirmed by Regional Council on December 12, 2023.

    These are requests to amend the Urban Service Area boundary and/or the Water Service Area boundary to enable development of properties with municipally provided water and/or wastewater services.

    To provide feedback on Site Specific Requests, please email and reference the case number.

    Table based on the December 12, 2023 Regional Plan Review – What We Heard Report (Attachment B).

    Phase 5 Requests - Future Growth Phase 5 Recommended Approach

    Smiths Road, Bedford | C089

    Request from Chris Marchand, Ramar Construction, to include the subject lands in the Urban Service Area and redesignate them to permit the creation of five new lots.

    • Amendments to enable serviced development in this area is not recommended until the conclusions of the Future Serviced Communities study is completed.
    • Regional Planning staff will monitor the progress of the Future Serviced Communities study and recommend an approach to these lands once that has been completed. It is anticipated that this will occur in Phase 5, at which time staff will:
      • Consider redesignating these lands to Urban Settlement, consistent with the designation in the Bedford West and Sandy Lake area;
      • Consider whether it is appropriate to extend the Urban Service Area boundary to align with the Urban Settlement designation. This will require consultation with Halifax Water.

    Montague Golf Course lands, Lake Loon | C325

    Request from Fathom Studio, on behalf of the property owner, to include these lands within the Urban Service Area Boundary to enable a development agreement for a 6-storey apartment building for seniors.
    • Amendments to the Urban Settlement designation and Urban Service Area boundary in this area are not recommended until further study of community growth and infrastructure in this area can be completed. Staff will undertake a Strategic Growth and Infrastructure Priority Plan as part of Phase 5. Future development potential in the Lake Loon area will be studied at that time, and will:
      • Study population growth and settlement patterns to determine whether these lands may be appropriate for serviced development in the longer term;
      • Consult with Halifax Water and HRM Infrastructure Planning to understand long-term plans for servicing and any constraints and opportunities in this area;
      • Consider environmental implications, such as watershed impacts, constraints such as floodplains and explore opportunities for landscape connectivity, consistent with the objectives of the Halifax Green Network Plan;
      • Consider mobility implications and opportunities for transit-oriented development, consistent with the objectives of the Integrated Mobility Plan;
      • Consider what public engagement will be required.

    Lands off Dyke Road, Cow Bay | C328

    Request from Fathom Studio, on behalf of Silver Sands Realty Ltd. to include these lands within the Water Service Area boundary and rezone to R-1 to enable residential subdivision.
    • Amendments to Regional Plan and SMPS policy to enable additional subdivision in the Cow Bay area are not recommended until further study of future community growth and infrastructure planning in this area can be completed.
    • Staff will undertake a Strategic Growth and Infrastructure Priority Plan as part of Phase 5. Future development potential in the Eastern Passage/Cow Bay area will be studied at that time, and will:
      • Study population growth and settlement patterns to determine whether these lands may be appropriate for serviced development in the longer term;
      • Consult with Halifax Water and HRM Infrastructure Planning to understand long-term plans for servicing and any constraints and opportunities in this area;
      • Consider environmental implications, such as watershed impacts, constraints such as floodplains and explore opportunities for landscape connectivity, consistent with Green Network Plan objectives;
      • Consider mobility implications and opportunities for transit-oriented development, consistent with the objectives of the Integrated Mobility Plan;
      • Consider what public engagement will be required.

    Lands near Fraser Lake, 2832 St. Margaret’s Bay Road, Timberlea | C337

    Request by Clayton Development Ltd. to extend the Urban Service Area Boundary to enable residential development with municipal water and wastewater services.
    • This area was identified as a priority area for growth under the Timberlea/ Lakeside/ Beechville MPS; however, it is not considered a growth area under the Regional Plan, and the Halifax Green Network Plan has identified important environmental values on the lands.
    • Amendments to the Regional Plan and SMPS policy to enable serviced development in this area of Timberlea is not recommended until further study of future community growth, environmental constraints and infrastructure planning in this area can be completed.
    • Staff will undertake a Strategic Growth and Infrastructure Priority Plan as part of Phase 5. Future development potential in the Timberlea area will be studied at that time, and will:
      • Study population growth and settlement patterns to determine whether these lands may be appropriate for serviced development in the longer term;
      • Consult with Halifax Water and HRM Infrastructure Planning to understand long-term plans for servicing and any constraints and opportunities in this area;
      • Consider environmental implications, such as watershed impacts, constraints such as floodplains and wildlife corridors, and explore opportunities for landscape connectivity, consistent with Green Network Plan objectives;
      • Consider mobility implications and opportunities for transit-oriented development, consistent with the objectives of the Integrated Mobility Plan;
      • Consider what public engagement will be required.

    Temple Terrace near Glendale Avenue, Lower Sackville | C539

    Request from Fathom Studio, on behalf of StoneRidge Fellowship Baptist Church, to include the northern section of the lands within the urban service area, re-designate the lands to the urban settlement designation, and rezone the property to allow for a medium density residential development.

    • Amendments to the Regional Plan and SMPS policy to enable serviced development in this area is not recommended until further study of future community growth, environmental constraints and infrastructure planning in this area can be completed.
    • Staff will undertake a Strategic Growth and Infrastructure Priority Plan as part of Phase 5. Future development potential in the Timberlea area will be studied at that time, and will:
      • Study population growth and settlement patterns to determine whether these lands may be appropriate for serviced development in the longer term;
      • Consult with Halifax Water and HRM Infrastructure Planning to understand long-term plans for servicing and any constraints and opportunities in this area;
      • Consider environmental implications, such as watershed impacts, constraints such as floodplains and wildlife corridors, and explore opportunities for landscape connectivity, consistent with Green Network Plan objectives;
      • Consider mobility implications and opportunities for transit-oriented development, consistent with the objectives of the Integrated Mobility Plan;
      • Consider what public engagement will be required.

    Lands at Maple Grove Drive and Cobequid Road, Lower Sackville | C809

    Request from Stanley Gordon, Vera Gillis, Lynn Woolliscroft Gillis, Andrew Jennings-Lindsay to extend the Urban Service Area boundary and permit mixed use development on the lands.

    Atholea Drive, Cole Harbour | C565

    Request by Fathom Studio to include the lands within the Urban Service area for low to medium density residential development.
    • Amendments to enable serviced development in this area are not recommended until the conclusions of the Future Serviced Communities study for the Morris Lake Expansion Lands is completed.
    • Regional Planning staff will monitor the progress of the Future Serviced Communities study and recommend an approach to these lands once that has been completed.
    • It is anticipated that this will occur in Phase 5, at which time staff will consider whether amending the Urban Service Area, Regional Plan designation and SMPS policy and land use by-law to allow for serviced development is appropriate.

    Lands at Highway 102 and Highway 102 Aerotech Connector, Fletchers Lake (C786)

    Request by Clayton Developments Limited, on behalf of Aerotech Developments GP Limited, 4538217 Nova Scotia Limited, and Municipal Enterprises Limited, to extend the Urban Service Area boundary to enable residential and commercial development with municipal water and wastewater services.
    • Amendments to the Regional Plan and SMPS policy to enable serviced development in this area are not recommended until further study of future community growth, environmental constraints and infrastructure planning in this area can be completed.
    • Staff will undertake a Strategic Growth and Infrastructure Priority Plan as part of Phase 5. Future development potential in the Lower Sackville Area will be studied at that time, and will:
      • Study population growth and settlement patterns to determine whether these lands may be appropriate for serviced development in the longer term;
      • Consult with Halifax Water and HRM Infrastructure Planning to understand long-term plans for servicing and any constraints and opportunities in this area;
      • Consider environmental implications, such as watershed impacts, constraints such as floodplains and wildlife corridors, and explore opportunities for landscape connectivity, consistent with Green Network Plan objectives;
      • Consider mobility implications and opportunities for transit-oriented development, consistent with the objectives of the Integrated Mobility Plan.

    Lands at Montague Road and Highway 107, Montague Gold Mines | C806

    Request by Sightline Planning + Approvals (formerly KWR Approvals Inc.), on behalf of the property owner, to extend the Urban Service Area boundary and include the lands in the Suburban Plan, and rezone to R-1.
    • Amendments to the Urban Settlement designation and Urban Service Area boundary in this area are not recommended until further study of community growth and infrastructure in this area can be completed.
    • Staff will undertake a Strategic Growth and Infrastructure Priority Plan as part of Phase 5. Future development potential in the Timberlea area will be studied at that time, and will:
      • Study population growth and settlement patterns to determine whether these lands may be appropriate for serviced development in the longer term;
      • Consult with Halifax Water and HRM Infrastructure Planning to understand long-term plans for servicing and any constraints and opportunities in this area;
      • Consider environmental implications, such as watershed impacts, constraints such as floodplains and wildlife corridors, and explore opportunities for landscape connectivity, consistent with Green Network Plan objectives;
      • Consider mobility implications and opportunities for transit-oriented development, consistent with the objectives of the Integrated Mobility Plan;
      • Consider what public engagement will be required.

    Lands at Glasgow Road and Highway 7, East Preston | C807

    Request by Sightline Planning + Approvals (formerly KWR Approvals Inc.), on behalf of the property owners, to extend the Urban Service Area boundary and include the lands in the Suburban Plan.
    • ANS Community Action Planning and Phase 5 – Future Growth
    • Before amendments can be made to include these lands within the Urban Service Area boundary, further work must be undertaken with the applicant and the East Preston community to understand their community growth objectives and how they may relate to infrastructure and service provision.
    • African Nova Scotian Community Action Planning staff will work with the applicants on their planning objectives. There may be opportunities to consider adjustments to zoning or other development issues in the short term, while work is ongoing to address broader infrastructure and servicing issues.
    • During Phase 5 of the Regional Plan Review, staff will undertake a Strategic Growth and Infrastructure Priority Plan, which will consider opportunities for serviced development to better support ANS Communities.

  • Urban Service Boundary Requests - Middle Sackville

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    Urban Service Area Boundary Requests - Middle Sackville, Recommended Approach | Confirmed by Regional Council on December 12, 2023.

    These are requests to amend the Urban Service Area boundary and/or the Water Service Area boundary in the Middle Sackville area to enable development of properties with municipally provided water and/or wastewater services.

    To provide feedback on Site Specific Requests, please email and reference the case number.

    Table based on the December 12, 2023 Regional Plan Review – What We Heard Report (Attachment B).

    Phase 5 Requests - Future Growth Phase 5 Recommended Approach

    Lands near Lindforest Court, Middle Sackville | C070-B

    Request from Armco Capital Inc. to include the subject lands in the Urban Service Area boundary to allow for serviced development in this area.

    • Staff will undertake a Strategic Growth and Infrastructure Priority Plan as part of Phase 5. Future development potential in the Middle Sackville Area will be studied at that time, and will:
      • Consider which lands in the Middle Sackville area may be appropriate for serviced development in the short term, and which should be considered in the longer term horizon;
      • Study the current and future potential development pattern in the Middle Sackville area (considering existing development, ongoing as-of-right subdivision applications, ongoing enabled planning applications, and requests received through the Regional Plan Review process) to understand the area’s infrastructure planning needs;
      • Consult with Halifax Water and HRM Infrastructure Planning to understand long-term plans for servicing and any constraints and opportunities in the area;
      • Consider environmental implications, such as watershed impacts, constraints such as floodplains and explore opportunities for landscape connectivity, consistent with the objectives of the Halifax Green Network Plan;
      • Consider mobility implications and opportunities for transit-oriented development, consistent with the objectives of the Integrated Mobility Plan;
      • Consider past and ongoing public engagement in the area, including the Middle – Upper Sackville & Lucasville Community Visioning program, and consider what, if any additional public engagement is required.

    Lands at the corner of Rosemary Drive and Marigold Drive, Middle Sackville | C070-C

    Request from Armco Capital Inc. to include the subject lands in the Urban Service Area boundary to allow for serviced development on this parcel.

    Lands near Little Lake, Middle Sackville | C070-D

    Request from Armco Capital Inc. to extend the Urban Service Area boundary northward to the CN Rail Line to allow for serviced development on the full extent of these lands.

    Lands North of Highway 101, East of Springfield Estates mobile home park, Middle Sackville | C102

    Request from Ramar Developments Ltd., for the property to be included within the Urban Service Area boundary to enable serviced development.

    Lands Southeast of Springfield Lake, with frontage on Sackville Drive, Middle Sackville | C310

    Request from Brycon Construction for the property to be included within the Urban Service Area boundary to enable serviced development of these lands.

    Lands North of Webber Lake, West of Lucasville Road | C311

    Request by Marchand Developments Ltd to re-designate the subject lands to the Urban Settlement and include them in the Urban Service Area to enable development of a multi-unit residential building on municipal services.

    Lands North of Springfield Lake, Middle Sackville | C312

    Request by Marchand Developments Ltd to re-designate the subject lands to the Urban Settlement and include them in the Urban Service Area to allow for serviced development in this area.

    Lands with frontage on Orchard Drive and Bambrick Road, Middle Sackville | C314

    Request from Sunrose Land Use Consulting, on behalf of Shoreham Development Limited, to include the subject lands in the Urban Service Area to allow for serviced development in this area.

    Lands near Highway 101 and Margeson Drive, Middle Sackville | C319 / Case 21639

    Request from Armco Communities to consider extending both municipal water and wastewater service to these lands.

    Lands in the Berry Hills Subdivision, Middle Sackville | C320

    Request from Armco Communities to consider extending the Urban Service Area boundary to these lands to allow for serviced residential development in this area.

    Springfield Estates, Middle Sackville | C329

    Request from Westphal Court Ltd., operating as Springfield Estate Manufactured Housing Community to extend the Urban Service Area or the Water Service Area boundary to these lands to enable connection for municipal water services.

    Lands to the West of Orchard Drive/Sackville Drive, Middle Sackville | C573

    Request by Reno's & Restoration Group Inc. to extend the Urban Service Area to those lands to accommodate serviced residential development in this area.

    Various Lands East of Springfield Lake, Middle Sackville | C808

    Request by Sightline Planning + Approvals (formerly KWR Approvals Inc.), on behalf of Fenerty Developments, to include the lands within the Urban Settlement Designation and the Urban Service Area boundary to allow for serviced development in this area.

  • Schedule J Requests - Beaver Bank & Hammonds Plains

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    Schedule J - Beaver Bank & Hammonds Plains Growth Control Area - Recommended Approach | Confirmed by Regional Council on December 12, 2023.

    These are requests to allow development on lands within the Beaver Bank/Hammonds Plains Growth Control Area (Schedule J), which restricts residential subdivision activity within portions of the Beaver Bank and Hammonds Plains communities until transportation infrastructure capacity is increased.

    To provide feedback on Site Specific Requests, please email and reference the case number.

    Table based on the December 12, 2023 Regional Plan Review – What We Heard Report (Attachment B).

    Phase 5 Requests - Future Growth Phase 5 Recommended Approach
    Hammonds Plains Growth Control Area
    Lands West of Sandy Lake and Marsh Lake, Hammonds Plains/ Lucasville | C017

    Request from Sunrose Land Use Consulting, on behalf of United Gulf, to consider secondary planning to consider secondary planning for these lands in conjunction with adjacent Sandy Lakes lands.

    • Amendments to Regional Plan policy for the Hammonds Plains Growth Control Area are not recommended until further study of future community development and infrastructure planning in this area can be completed.
    • Staff will undertake a Strategic Growth and Infrastructure Priority Plan as part of Phase 5. Future development potential in the Hammonds Plains Growth Control Area will be studied at that time, and will:
      • Study population growth and settlement patterns to estimate which lands may be appropriate for new serviced development;
      • Consult with Halifax Water and HRM Infrastructure Planning to understand long-term plans for servicing and any constraints and opportunities in this area;
      • Consider and prioritize the need for increased community connections and emergency egress;
      • Consider environmental implications, such as watershed impacts, constraints such as floodplains and explore opportunities for landscape connectivity, consistent with the objectives of the Halifax Green Network Plan;
      • Consider mobility implications and opportunities for transit-oriented development, consistent with the objectives of the Integrated Mobility Plan.
      • Consider what public engagement will be required.
    Lands North of Hammonds Plains Road and south of Taylor Lake, Hammonds Plains | C109

    Request from Brighter Community Planning & Design to remove these lands from Schedule J to enable residential subdivision.

    Former Pin-Hi Golf Course, Hammonds Plains Road/ Lucasville Road | C317

    Request from Stonehouse Golf Group to extend the Water Service Area to allow for serviced development in this area. A portion of the properties are within the Water Service Area.

    Lands North of Hammonds Plains Road and south of Taylor Lake, Hammonds Plains | C517

    Request from Paul Dec, Upland, on behalf Request from Paul Dec, Upland, on behalf of Alumtech Holdings Inc, to be included in the service boundary to allow for a mid-rise housing complex designed and constructed explicitly for senior citizens.

    Voyageur Lakes, Hammonds Plains | C522

    Request from Tom Swanson, on behalf of United Gulf Developments to include the lands within the water services boundary.

    Lands between Rochester Drive and McCabe Lake Drive, Hammonds Plains | C719-B

    Request from Zzap Consulting on behalf of Marchand Developments to remove lands from Schedule J to establish a direct road link between Rochester Drive and McCabe Lake Drive, and rezone the parcels to R1-A to allow residential development.

    Lands between Westwood Boulevard and Pockwock Road, Upper Hammonds Plains | C719-A

    Request from Zzap Consulting on behalf of Marchand Developments to lands from Schedule J to facilitate a road connection between Westwood Boulevard and Pockwock Road, and rezone the parcels to R1-A to allow residential development.

    • Amendments to Regional Plan policy for the Hammonds Plains Growth Control Area are not recommended until further study of future community development and infrastructure planning in this area can be completed.
    • Staff will undertake a Strategic Growth and Infrastructure Priority Plan as part of Phase 5. Future development potential in the Hammonds Plains Growth Control Area will be studied at that time, and will:
      • Study population growth and settlement patterns to estimate which lands may be appropriate for new serviced development;
      • Consult with Halifax Water and HRM Infrastructure Planning to understand long-term plans for servicing and any constraints and opportunities in this area;
      • Consider and prioritize the need for increased community connections and emergency egress;
      • Consider environmental implications, such as watershed impacts, constraints such as floodplains and explore opportunities for landscape connectivity, consistent with the objectives of the Halifax Green Network Plan;
      • Consider mobility implications and opportunities for transit-oriented development, consistent with the objectives of the Integrated Mobility Plan.
      • Consider what public engagement will be required.
    • In addition, before changes to planning policy is considered for the Upper Hammonds Plains area, further work must be undertaken with Upper Hammonds Plains community to understand their community growth objectives and how this proposal relates.

    Beaver Bank Growth Control Area
    Lands north of Monarch Drive and east of Beaver Bank Road, Beaver Bank | C103

    Request from Ramar Developments Ltd. for properties to be included within the Urban Service Area.

    • Amendments to Regional Plan policy for the Beaver Bank Growth Control Area are not recommended until further study of future community development, infrastructure and servicing opportunities in the Beaver Bank and Kinsac area is completed.
    • Staff will undertake a Strategic Growth and Infrastructure Priority Plan as part of Phase 5. Future development potential in the Beaver Bank Growth Control Area will be studied at that time, and will:
      • Study population growth and settlement patterns to estimate which lands may be appropriate for new serviced development;
      • Consult with Halifax Water and HRM Infrastructure Planning to understand long-term plans for servicing and any constraints and opportunities in this area;
      • Consider and prioritize the need for increased community connections and emergency egress;
      • Consider environmental implications, such as watershed impacts, constraints such as floodplains and explore opportunities for landscape connectivity, consistent with the objectives of the Halifax Green Network Plan;
      • Consider mobility implications and opportunities for transit-oriented development, consistent with the objectives of the Integrated Mobility Plan.
      • Consider what public engagement will be required.
    Lands near Barrett Lake, Beaver Bank | C299

    Request from Marchand Homes to include the subject lands within the Urban Settlement designation and Urban Service Area boundary to enable subdivision with central servicing.

    Lands South of Monarch Drive, Beaver Bank | C300

    Request from Marchand Homes to include these properties within the Urban Settlement designation and Urban Service Area boundary to enable subdivision with central servicing.

    Lands near Kinsac Lake, Kinsac | C117

    Request from Marchand Homes to to include these properties within the Urban Settlement designation and Urban Service Area boundary to enable subdivision with central servicing.

    342 Beaver Bank Road, Beaver Bank | C785

    Request from Ally Developments to remove the property from Schedule J and be included in the serviceable boundary for future development.

  • Urban and Rural Plan Amendment Requests

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    Urban Area Plan Amendment - Recommended Approach | Confirmed by Regional Council on December 12, 2023.

    These are requests for supportive Regional Plan policy to enable an alternative form of development or increased density for lands currently within the Urban Settlement designation.

    Rural Area Plan Amendment - Recommended Approach | Confirmed by Regional Council on December 12, 2023.

    These are requests for supportive Regional Plan policy to enable an alternative form of development or increased density for lands currently within the Rural Commuter designation.

    To provide feedback on Site Specific Requests, please email and reference the case number.

    Tables based on the December 12, 2023 Regional Plan Review – What We Heard Report (Attachment B).

    Phase 4 Requests - Draft Regional Plan Phase 4 Recommended Approach
    Urban Plan Amendment
    Corner of Prince Albert Road at Lake Banook, Dartmouth | C602

    Request from ZZap Consulting, on behalf of Stillwater Property Group Inc., to amend the Regional Plan, Regional Centre Secondary Municipal Planning Strategy (RCSMPS) and Regional Centre Land Use By-law (RCLUB) to enable waterfront commercial and recreational uses, and accessory structures within the watercourse buffer.
    • The Draft Regional Plan includes policy that would permit a special area to be established through the Regional Centre Plan and land use bylaw to allow limited recreational uses and commercial uses within a riparian buffer where the riparian buffer has been infilled or altered prior to 2006, developed in an environmentally sensitive manner and provide opportunities for natural green space and public access and enjoyment.
    • A development agreement for such a use would need to consider whether it is appropriate to allow for commercial and recreational main uses in accessory structures within the riparian buffer on lands that have been previously infilled and consider impacts on water quality, wildlife, and the protection of property from the natural hazards of flooding.

    Rural Plan Amendment
    1246 Ketch Harbour Road | C027 / Case 22212

    Request from Sightline Planning + Approvals (formerly KWR Approvals Inc.), on behalf of Tim Garrison and Patrick Henneberry, to enable a 40-unit residential development and an adaptive reuse of the existing building for commercial and residential uses. Initiated by Regional Council on April 2, 2020.

    • Staff have advised the applicant that there are as-of-right and rezoning opportunities and that those should be pursued in the short term.
    • The Draft Regional Plan includes policy that would enable adaptive reuse of existing buildings for residential purposes. This would allow a future development agreement for the existing building.

    Phase 5 Requests - Future Growth Phase 5 Recommended Approach
    Rural Plan Amendment
    Canal Cays, Wellington | C541

    On September 13, 2022, Regional Council passed the following motion: That Halifax Regional Council request a staff report directing the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to consider opportunities for development of properties on Canal Cays, Wellington, during Phase 5 of the Regional Plan Review. This review should consider, at minimum: options for public road access; the relationship to the Kinloch subdivision and the Aerotech Connector Road; and environmental protection measures.

    • Staff will undertake a Strategic Growth and Infrastructure Priority Plan as part of Phase 5.
    • Future development potential in the Wellington area will be studied at that time.
  • Industrial Land Requests

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    Industrial Lands - Recommended Approach | Confirmed by Regional Council on December 12, 2023.

    These are requests for comprehensive planning for lands within the Regional Plan’s Business/ Industrial Sub-designation.

    To provide feedback on Site Specific Requests, please email and reference the case number.

    Table based on the December 12, 2023 Regional Plan Review – What We Heard Report (Attachment B).

    Phase 4 Requests - Draft Regional Plan Phase 4 Recommended Approach
    Burnside Phase 14 | 22008

    Request from HRM Corporate Real Estate, per April 28, 2015 motion of Regional Council, to include these lands within the Urban Service Area and apply industrial policy and zoning to allow for serviced expansion of Burnside Industrial Park.
    • Redesignate these lands from Rural Commuter to Urban Settlement and apply the Business/ Industrial sub-designation to the lands.
    • In preparation for extending the Urban Service Area boundary and applying appropriate policy and zoning at the secondary plan and land use by-law level, initiate study on this area, including a watershed study, land suitability analysis (that considers environmental constraints and heritage and cultural assets and constraints) and a baseline infrastructure study (for mobility, water and wastewater services).
    • Planning & Development will work with Infrastructure Planning and Corporate Real Estate to determine an appropriate scope for this study.

    Industrial lands near Aerotech, Goffs | C508

    Request from Lawen Group to rezone the lands airport industrial.
    • Phase 4 and Advance Outside the Regional Plan
    • The Draft Regional Plan applies the Urban Settlement Designation and Business Industrial Sub-designation to the lands.
    • Appropriate zoning will be considered through Case 22009.