Young District

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Project background

The Regional Centre Secondary Municipal Planning Strategy (Centre Plan) and Land Use By-law have set the stage for the Young District to transform into a high-density, urban and mixed-use neighborhood with housing, jobs, shopping and services within walking distance of two future Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lines. The Centre Plan has enabled significant development opportunities in the Young District, including potential for approximately 12,500 new units or 26,500 new residents.

With significant development anticipated in the Young District, it is important to ensure that the required social, transportation, municipal services and utility infrastructure are in place and can serve the needs of the existing and future community in an equitable and sustainable manner. To support this growth, the municipality has initiated two projects that will inform the redevelopment of this area:

  1. Comprehensive Neighbourhood Planning Process for the Young Street Lands Future Growth Node

  2. Infrastructure Plan for the Young District

About the Young Street Lands Future Growth Node (FGN) planning process

The Young Street Lands Future Growth Node (FGN) is approximately 11.8 hectares of underutilized lands in Halifax’s North End and is generally bounded by Young, Robie, Almon and Windsor streets. The FGN is part of a larger area that is being referred to as the Young District. The FGN is strategically located next to planned rapid transit routes and is envisioned to be developed into a comprehensively planned, complete community with several thousand dwelling units. While there are existing development agreement policies for the FGN, its implementation requires all property owners to participate in a single development agreement, which creates barriers for its development given the varied land ownership, including land owned by Canada Post and the Province of Nova Scotia.

Given this context, there is a need to update the FGN policies to better support its phased development by its varied property owners and enable significant new housing developments close to planned transit investments.

For more information on the Young Street Lands FGN, please see the Initiation Report approved by Regional Council on November 28, 2023.

About the Young District Infrastructure Plan

The municipality is developing an Infrastructure Plan for the Young District that will establish a framework for the planning, development and construction of transportation, water, wastewater, stormwater, power and communication infrastructure over the next 30 years. The anticipated development growth presents an opportunity to transform the area into a complete, transit-oriented community with supporting infrastructure, like pedestrian-oriented streets, cycling connections, an efficient transit network, bus stop amenities, small city blocks and human-scale developments.

The project will guide future decision-making for public and private infrastructure investments, policy changes and strategic initiatives to support the transformation of the Young District. This project will support the planning efforts of the Young Street Lands and the Kempt Road Lands FGNs.

Nova Scotia's Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing (DMAH) provided a funding grant to support this project.

Learn More

To learn more about the project:

  • Ask a Question: Use the “Ask a Question” tab (below) to ask a project team member a question.
  • Email: Reach out to the project team by email.

Project background

The Regional Centre Secondary Municipal Planning Strategy (Centre Plan) and Land Use By-law have set the stage for the Young District to transform into a high-density, urban and mixed-use neighborhood with housing, jobs, shopping and services within walking distance of two future Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lines. The Centre Plan has enabled significant development opportunities in the Young District, including potential for approximately 12,500 new units or 26,500 new residents.

With significant development anticipated in the Young District, it is important to ensure that the required social, transportation, municipal services and utility infrastructure are in place and can serve the needs of the existing and future community in an equitable and sustainable manner. To support this growth, the municipality has initiated two projects that will inform the redevelopment of this area:

  1. Comprehensive Neighbourhood Planning Process for the Young Street Lands Future Growth Node

  2. Infrastructure Plan for the Young District

About the Young Street Lands Future Growth Node (FGN) planning process

The Young Street Lands Future Growth Node (FGN) is approximately 11.8 hectares of underutilized lands in Halifax’s North End and is generally bounded by Young, Robie, Almon and Windsor streets. The FGN is part of a larger area that is being referred to as the Young District. The FGN is strategically located next to planned rapid transit routes and is envisioned to be developed into a comprehensively planned, complete community with several thousand dwelling units. While there are existing development agreement policies for the FGN, its implementation requires all property owners to participate in a single development agreement, which creates barriers for its development given the varied land ownership, including land owned by Canada Post and the Province of Nova Scotia.

Given this context, there is a need to update the FGN policies to better support its phased development by its varied property owners and enable significant new housing developments close to planned transit investments.

For more information on the Young Street Lands FGN, please see the Initiation Report approved by Regional Council on November 28, 2023.

About the Young District Infrastructure Plan

The municipality is developing an Infrastructure Plan for the Young District that will establish a framework for the planning, development and construction of transportation, water, wastewater, stormwater, power and communication infrastructure over the next 30 years. The anticipated development growth presents an opportunity to transform the area into a complete, transit-oriented community with supporting infrastructure, like pedestrian-oriented streets, cycling connections, an efficient transit network, bus stop amenities, small city blocks and human-scale developments.

The project will guide future decision-making for public and private infrastructure investments, policy changes and strategic initiatives to support the transformation of the Young District. This project will support the planning efforts of the Young Street Lands and the Kempt Road Lands FGNs.

Nova Scotia's Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing (DMAH) provided a funding grant to support this project.

Learn More

To learn more about the project:

  • Ask a Question: Use the “Ask a Question” tab (below) to ask a project team member a question.
  • Email: Reach out to the project team by email.
  • Notice of District Boundary Change

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    The project team has updated the boundaries for Young District. The district now includes parcels immediately fronting Windsor Street, Robie Street, and Almon Street to reflect sites that may impact or be impacted by the ongoing Infrastructure Plan. These changes enable a comprehensive analysis of infrastructure opportunities and constraints.

  • Round 1 of public engagement is now complete

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    Thank you to everyone who attended and shared their feedback through the open house sessions, survey, and other means of contact. We will share a summary of what we heard during this round of engagement shortly. The report will be published on the project website when it is available.

    Public feedback will be used to inform the vision and concept design options for the Young District. Please monitor our website for future updates.

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    Stay informed! Check out updates for the Young District project here!