Where is Windmill Road?

    Windmill Road is a key north-south roadway that connects several communities and destinations including Downtown Dartmouth, Burnside Industrial Park, and Lower Sackville. Windmill Road extends for 5.8 km between Wyse Road and just north of Akerley Boulevard where it transitions into Magazine Hill.

    What parts of Windmill Road are included in the Functional Plan?

    The study area for the Windmill Road Functional Plan includes the entire length of Windmill Road between Wyse Road and Rent Point Road (just north of Akerley Boulevard), where it transitions into Magazine Hill.

    What is a Functional Plan?

    The functional planning process is the first stage of redesigning a street. The objective of the Functional Plan is to develop a vision for the corridor based on its current and future needs and based on direction from existing transportation and land use plans and policies, like the Integrated Mobility Plan, the Active Transportation Priorities Plan, Halifax Transit’s Moving Forward Together Plan, among others. Functional Plans help us to:

    •  Identify potential street configuration options that aim to improve certain aspects of the street. Functional plans on urban corridors tend to focus on addressing gaps in active transportation infrastructure (e.g., sidewalks, bicycle lanes) and improving public transit through transit priority measures and enhanced bus stops.

    •  Understand the potential implications of different design options on the street functionality (e.g., traffic impacts, curbside access) and impacts to right-of-way, private properties, and utilities, among others.

    What are the objectives of the Windmill Road Functional Plan?

    The project objectives for Windmill Road include the following:

    •    Understand the opportunities, constraints, challenges, and infrastructure deficiencies on Windmill Road, as well as the current and future demand for transportation infrastructure on Windmill Road. 

    •    Establish a vision, guiding principles and design objectives for Windmill Road that harness its potential to transform into a ‘Complete Street’ and is consistent with principles and objectives outlined in existing plans and policies. 

    •    Understand the range of possible solutions and design options that could achieve the desired vision for the corridor and improve the consistency, quality, and safety of transportation infrastructure for all users. 

    •    Understand the impacts of proposed design options on several factors, including but not limited to, property acquisition requirements, multimodal operations, lifecycle costs, land uses, and utilities. 

    •    Identify the preferred design option for Windmill Road. 

    •    Determine the environmental, social and community benefits and return on investment of proposed infrastructure. 

    •    Establish a land use planning framework that aligns with the design options for the corridor. 

    •    Guide the phasing and implementation of proposed improvements on Windmill Road and leverage upcoming public and private investments in the area (e.g., planned capital work, integration with developments). The implementation plan shall identify opportunities for incremental and/or tactical changes. 

    •    Develop and strengthen relationships between the municipality, the public and external stakeholders, including community advocates, government agencies and property owners. 

    •    Establish a framework to monitor, assess and communicate the results and benefits of the project, including resources for data collection, analysis, and communications. 

    When will the Windmill Road Functional Plan be completed?

    The Functional Plan is expected to be completed in Winter 2025. Staff will provide recommendations to Halifax Regional Council in Spring/Summer 2025.

    How can the public participate in the Windmill Road Functional Plan process?

    There will be two rounds of public engagement for this project. Residents will be able to provide feedback by participating in the public Open House sessions, and/or by filling out an online survey. More information about the sessions and the survey will be provided close to the engagement period. 

    •  Round 1 of public engagement will seek feedback from the public on the current and future needs of the corridor. Public feedback will inform the design objectives and vision for the corridor, and set the stage for the development of the concept design. 

    •  Round 2 of public engagement will seek feedback from the public on proposed functional design options. Functional design options will be presented during a second phase of public consultation anticipated for fall 2024.

    Are bicycle lanes/dedicated bus lanes being considered for Windmill Road?

    Yes, the Windmill Road Functional Plan will consider design options that provide dedicated facilities for pedestrians, cyclists and transit, including connected sidewalks, protected bicycle lanes and dedicated bus lanes, where feasible.

    Will the Functional Design improve traffic congestion on Windmill Road?

    Through the Integrated Mobility Plan, the Municipality has adopted an approach that emphasizes improvements to sustainable travel modes, such as active transportation and transit, to help manage congestion and to provide residents with more options to move around the municipality.

    The Windmill Road Functional Plan will attempt to manage congestion by enabling more people to walk, cycle, or take transit by making these options more comfortable and convenient.

    For more information on how the Integrated Mobility Plan is helping to manage congestion, view this video.

    What is a ‘Complete Street’? Will Windmill Road be considered a “Complete Street”?

    Windmill Road is being redesigned using a “Complete Streets” approach. This approach to street design considers how the street functions as a destination or a ‘place’ as well as a mobility ‘link’. It aims to improve the comfort, safety, and convenience for all transportation modes, emphasizing improvements for pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users.

    What is a ‘Complete Community’?

    Complete Communities are neighborhoods that feature amenities where residents can shop, work, and play within a reasonable walking distance. Complete Communities might feature:

    •    A range of housing types for all ages, incomes and abilities

    •    Places to work, learn, and shop 

    •    Access to nature, green space and recreation 

    •    Frequent, convenient and accessible transit

    •    Active transportation options for walking and biking (e.g., trails, bike lanes, & sidewalks) 

    •    Amenities and services such as healthcare, childcare and emergency services

    How will a new vision for Windmill Road transform the area into a complete community?

    Improved multimodal transportation infrastructure on Windmill Road will provide all road users with a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable experience using the street. The Functional Plan will explore opportunities to improve the mobility network within 400m of Windmill Road. 

    These improvements will seek to create a neighborhood where residents can shop, work, and play within a reasonable walking distance. 

    How is the Shannon Park Future Growth Node (FGN) related to Windmill Road?

    The redevelopment of Shannon Park is expected to introduce approximately 3000 new residential units within 400m of Windmill Road. This new development is expected to create additional demand for multimodal infrastructure along Windmill Road. Providing high-quality transportation options for future community members is one of the objectives of the Windmill Road Functional Plan. More information about the Shannon Park Future Growth Node (FGN) can be found here: 

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