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Thank you to everyone who participated in the June 7 public engagement sessions and online survey hosted from June 8 through 29. The survey is now closed.
Municipal staff members and consultants are currently compiling the public feedback to be released shortly in the form of a ‘What We Heard’ report. The results will be used to inform a preferred preliminary 30 per cent design for this next phase of the Halifax Urban Greenway.
If you have any questions about this project or would like more information, please contact Siobhan Witherbee, Active Transportation Planner at link).
The Halifax Urban Greenway is an off-road, multi use pathway envisioned to connect the Chain of Lakes Trail to Point Pleasant Park through the west side of the Halifax Peninsula. Phase One was completed on Beaufort Ave in 2010. This next phase aims to extend the existing pathway northward as far as Jubilee Road (via Conrose Park) and southward to connect to Point Pleasant Park.
The Halifax Urban Greenway was initially envisioned by a community group, the Halifax Urban Greenway Association (HUGA), who has been advocating for the project for the last 15+ years. The greenway is meant to be accessible for users of all ages and abilities including pedestrians, cyclists, skateboarders, dog walkers, and families with grandkids.
There is direction in the 2014-2019 Active Transportation Priorities Plan (External link) to establish a walking and cycling facility running north-south on the western side of the Halifax peninsula. The Halifax Urban Greenway is identified in the Integrated Mobility Plan as a “Priority Planning Project” for connectivity using multi-use pathway facilities.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the June 7 public engagement sessions and online survey hosted from June 8 through 29. The survey is now closed.
Municipal staff members and consultants are currently compiling the public feedback to be released shortly in the form of a ‘What We Heard’ report. The results will be used to inform a preferred preliminary 30 per cent design for this next phase of the Halifax Urban Greenway.
If you have any questions about this project or would like more information, please contact Siobhan Witherbee, Active Transportation Planner at link).
The Halifax Urban Greenway is an off-road, multi use pathway envisioned to connect the Chain of Lakes Trail to Point Pleasant Park through the west side of the Halifax Peninsula. Phase One was completed on Beaufort Ave in 2010. This next phase aims to extend the existing pathway northward as far as Jubilee Road (via Conrose Park) and southward to connect to Point Pleasant Park.
The Halifax Urban Greenway was initially envisioned by a community group, the Halifax Urban Greenway Association (HUGA), who has been advocating for the project for the last 15+ years. The greenway is meant to be accessible for users of all ages and abilities including pedestrians, cyclists, skateboarders, dog walkers, and families with grandkids.
There is direction in the 2014-2019 Active Transportation Priorities Plan (External link) to establish a walking and cycling facility running north-south on the western side of the Halifax peninsula. The Halifax Urban Greenway is identified in the Integrated Mobility Plan as a “Priority Planning Project” for connectivity using multi-use pathway facilities.