What is an "Opportunity Site"?

    During the second Regional Plan review (2022), several requests for mixed-use development on large parcels of land were considered. The sites present opportunities for new housing development that is needed to support the significant demand for housing of all types across the municipality. The Regional Plan acknowledges additional work is required to determine the appropriate planning tools to be used to regulate development, and the appropriate future land uses and densities.

    What is a "development agreement"?

    A development agreement is a binding legal contract between a landowner and the municipality that establishes standards on how a piece of land can be developed and may include details around land use, building design, the layout of streets and roads, and the density of development. A development agreement is registered on title and, if the land is sold, all future owners are subject to the terms of the agreement.

    Will this project include affordable housing?

    The Regional Plan includes “Interim bonus zoning” policies for developments in areas outside of the Regional Centre. This requires developers to pay a public benefit that is calculated based on the appraised value of the lands after a development agreement is approved. Typically, at least 60 per cent of the value must be paid into the municipality’s affordable housing fund. The money in this fund can be given to non-profit groups by the municipality as a grant for new housing projects and the upkeep of existing units.

    What is a "Complete Community"?

    A Complete Community is a neighbourhood that provides:

    • a range of housing types for all ages, incomes and abilities;
    • places to work, learn, and shop;
    • access to nature, green space, and recreation; 
    • frequent, convenient, and accessible transit; 
    • active transportation, trails, and roads; and 
    • amenities and services such as healthcare, childcare, and emergency services.