Project Overview
The East Preston Greenway is a proposed multi-use pathway for people walking and bicycling that would be built from the East Preston Day Care (1799 Highway 7) to the East Preston Recreation Centre (24 Brooks Drive).
On March 23, 2023 - the survey and copies of the public engagement panels and presentation will be live on this webpage.
The 3 metre wide greenway would provide a safer place for residents to walk and bicycle and would include better transit stops, trees and benches. It would be built within the road right-of-way over the existing ditch and would include installation of curb and gutter on one side of the road.
Proposed greenway cross section This project was the top priority project identified in the East Preston Active Transportation Plan. This Plan was developed by a committee of East Preston residents. There is a link to this Plan on the East Preston Day Care Centre Web site:
Pending the results of the engagement events listed below, construction would start in late summer 2023 and finish in summer 2024. This project is receiving funding from the federal, provincial, and municipal governments under the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program.
Area Rate
East Preston is in HRM’s rural tax zone and the construction and maintenance of active transportation facilities are not covered under the rural tax rate. HRM policy states that property owners within rural communities that have sidewalks, greenways, or multi-use pathways should pay an area rate of $33 per $100,000 of assessed property value. The table below outlines some examples of what a property owner could expect to pay annually based on the assessed property value.
Example of Area Rate Amount Applied Based on Assessed Property Value:
Assessed Property Value | Area Rate Applied to Property Bill Annually |
$100,000 | $33 |
$200,000 | $66 |
$250,000 | $82.50 |
$300,000 | $99 |
$400,000 | $132 |
The process to establish this area rate is to first notify and consult with the community and then seek Council direction on the tax increase. If approved by Council, the increase would come into effect the fiscal year (April 1 – March 31) following completion of the greenway.
Get Involved
The Halifax Regional Municipality is hosting two public engagement sessions at the East Preston Recreation Centre in conjunction with the East Preston Active Transportation Committee, a community-based group that is co-ordinating implementation of the East Preston Active Transportation Plan and has been advising the municipality on the Greenway implementation.
These sessions will be held on:
- Thursday, March 23 at 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. and
- Monday, March 27 at 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Both sessions will be in the Multi-Purpose Room and refreshments will be served. The East Preston Day Care Centre is offering a door prize of Atlantic Superstore gift certificates for attendees.
After March 23, residents can also complete the online survey at the bottom of this page or contact David MacIsaac at 902.240.7852 or to request a paper copy of the survey.
Next Steps
Once community engagement is complete, staff will summarize the design feedback and consider any required changes to the design. Feedback about the area rate will be summarized into a report with staff’s recommendation for an area rate boundary and brought to Council for consideration.
Pending Council approval, construction of the Greenway is planned to start late summer 2023.

Photo Credit: Upland Planning+Design via the Community of East Preston Active Transportation Concept Plan
Project Overview
The East Preston Greenway is a proposed multi-use pathway for people walking and bicycling that would be built from the East Preston Day Care (1799 Highway 7) to the East Preston Recreation Centre (24 Brooks Drive).
On March 23, 2023 - the survey and copies of the public engagement panels and presentation will be live on this webpage.
The 3 metre wide greenway would provide a safer place for residents to walk and bicycle and would include better transit stops, trees and benches. It would be built within the road right-of-way over the existing ditch and would include installation of curb and gutter on one side of the road.
Proposed greenway cross section This project was the top priority project identified in the East Preston Active Transportation Plan. This Plan was developed by a committee of East Preston residents. There is a link to this Plan on the East Preston Day Care Centre Web site:
Pending the results of the engagement events listed below, construction would start in late summer 2023 and finish in summer 2024. This project is receiving funding from the federal, provincial, and municipal governments under the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program.
Area Rate
East Preston is in HRM’s rural tax zone and the construction and maintenance of active transportation facilities are not covered under the rural tax rate. HRM policy states that property owners within rural communities that have sidewalks, greenways, or multi-use pathways should pay an area rate of $33 per $100,000 of assessed property value. The table below outlines some examples of what a property owner could expect to pay annually based on the assessed property value.
Example of Area Rate Amount Applied Based on Assessed Property Value:
Assessed Property Value | Area Rate Applied to Property Bill Annually |
$100,000 | $33 |
$200,000 | $66 |
$250,000 | $82.50 |
$300,000 | $99 |
$400,000 | $132 |
The process to establish this area rate is to first notify and consult with the community and then seek Council direction on the tax increase. If approved by Council, the increase would come into effect the fiscal year (April 1 – March 31) following completion of the greenway.
Get Involved
The Halifax Regional Municipality is hosting two public engagement sessions at the East Preston Recreation Centre in conjunction with the East Preston Active Transportation Committee, a community-based group that is co-ordinating implementation of the East Preston Active Transportation Plan and has been advising the municipality on the Greenway implementation.
These sessions will be held on:
- Thursday, March 23 at 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. and
- Monday, March 27 at 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Both sessions will be in the Multi-Purpose Room and refreshments will be served. The East Preston Day Care Centre is offering a door prize of Atlantic Superstore gift certificates for attendees.
After March 23, residents can also complete the online survey at the bottom of this page or contact David MacIsaac at 902.240.7852 or to request a paper copy of the survey.
Next Steps
Once community engagement is complete, staff will summarize the design feedback and consider any required changes to the design. Feedback about the area rate will be summarized into a report with staff’s recommendation for an area rate boundary and brought to Council for consideration.
Pending Council approval, construction of the Greenway is planned to start late summer 2023.

Photo Credit: Upland Planning+Design via the Community of East Preston Active Transportation Concept Plan