Downtown Dartmouth Waterfront Revitalization Project

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Project Status

The municipality is preparing to undertake a request for proposals (RFP) to hire a qualified consultant to lead the Downtown Dartmouth Waterfront Revitalization Project.


Interest in developing an open space plan and enhancing connectivity along the Dartmouth Waterfront has recently intensified, in response to the growing demand for housing, potential for cruise facilities and efforts to revitalize the Dartmouth Waterfront as an active cultural destination. Past development efforts have also highlighted the benefits and needs for building an access route along the Dartmouth Waterfront that can be used for alternative emergency access. Presently, access across the railway occurs in several at-grade locations, and if occupied by a long train, emergency response can be impacted. Accordingly, developing a continuous multi-functional emergency access route on the water side, including new grade-separated (overpass) rail line crossings, would support emergency access and could serve as a multi-use trail connection. This multi-functional route would benefit multiple landowners, the municipality, and residents.

On March 5, 2024, Halifax Regional Council endorsed the Downtown Dartmouth Waterfront Revitalization Project in support of improving access, connectivity, cultural activity and future development opportunities along the Dartmouth Waterfront.

Project Outline

The proposed Downtown Dartmouth Waterfront Revitalization Project is comprised of a Conceptual Development Plan that includes:

  1. the development of a conceptual Open Space Plan for the Downtown Dartmouth Waterfront, and
  2. the examination of emergency access options (including grade separated crossings) for supporting the Downtown Dartmouth Waterfront and its key interest groups. A preliminary route was identified for consideration from Ochterloney Street to Atlantic Street, but the project will determine the appropriate extent and location of the route.

Key objectives for the project include:

  • collaborating with rightsholders, interest groups and residents to establish a vision for the Dartmouth Waterfront
  • creating enjoyable, pedestrian-focused gathering spaces
  • enhancing active transportation connectivity
  • providing emergency access options along the waterfront
  • improving waterfront amenities including landscaped areas that offer public access to nature
  • mitigating the impacts of climate change, including sea level rise
  • promoting accessibility and inclusion along the waterfront
  • identifying, preserving, and celebrating cultural landscapes
  • better connecting Downtown Dartmouth to the waterfront

The overall process will identify the project’s geographical scope, coordinate the goals and objectives of community and external partners, and align with municipal plans and priorities. Staff will return to CPED with the conceptual development plan for recommendation and then to Regional Council for budget approval to undertake more detailed designs to advance construction.

How can I participate in the process and provide feedback?

Residents are invited to participate in the project. Feedback is welcome at any time through the process and residents will be invited to future sessions to learn more about the project, ask questions and offer feedback. There will also be other opportunities to get involved and provide feedback. Stay informed about updates to this project and future community engagement opportunities by visiting this webpage frequently.

Project Status

The municipality is preparing to undertake a request for proposals (RFP) to hire a qualified consultant to lead the Downtown Dartmouth Waterfront Revitalization Project.


Interest in developing an open space plan and enhancing connectivity along the Dartmouth Waterfront has recently intensified, in response to the growing demand for housing, potential for cruise facilities and efforts to revitalize the Dartmouth Waterfront as an active cultural destination. Past development efforts have also highlighted the benefits and needs for building an access route along the Dartmouth Waterfront that can be used for alternative emergency access. Presently, access across the railway occurs in several at-grade locations, and if occupied by a long train, emergency response can be impacted. Accordingly, developing a continuous multi-functional emergency access route on the water side, including new grade-separated (overpass) rail line crossings, would support emergency access and could serve as a multi-use trail connection. This multi-functional route would benefit multiple landowners, the municipality, and residents.

On March 5, 2024, Halifax Regional Council endorsed the Downtown Dartmouth Waterfront Revitalization Project in support of improving access, connectivity, cultural activity and future development opportunities along the Dartmouth Waterfront.

Project Outline

The proposed Downtown Dartmouth Waterfront Revitalization Project is comprised of a Conceptual Development Plan that includes:

  1. the development of a conceptual Open Space Plan for the Downtown Dartmouth Waterfront, and
  2. the examination of emergency access options (including grade separated crossings) for supporting the Downtown Dartmouth Waterfront and its key interest groups. A preliminary route was identified for consideration from Ochterloney Street to Atlantic Street, but the project will determine the appropriate extent and location of the route.

Key objectives for the project include:

  • collaborating with rightsholders, interest groups and residents to establish a vision for the Dartmouth Waterfront
  • creating enjoyable, pedestrian-focused gathering spaces
  • enhancing active transportation connectivity
  • providing emergency access options along the waterfront
  • improving waterfront amenities including landscaped areas that offer public access to nature
  • mitigating the impacts of climate change, including sea level rise
  • promoting accessibility and inclusion along the waterfront
  • identifying, preserving, and celebrating cultural landscapes
  • better connecting Downtown Dartmouth to the waterfront

The overall process will identify the project’s geographical scope, coordinate the goals and objectives of community and external partners, and align with municipal plans and priorities. Staff will return to CPED with the conceptual development plan for recommendation and then to Regional Council for budget approval to undertake more detailed designs to advance construction.

How can I participate in the process and provide feedback?

Residents are invited to participate in the project. Feedback is welcome at any time through the process and residents will be invited to future sessions to learn more about the project, ask questions and offer feedback. There will also be other opportunities to get involved and provide feedback. Stay informed about updates to this project and future community engagement opportunities by visiting this webpage frequently.