Construction mitigation

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Consultation has concluded. Thank you for your feedback. 

Construction Mitigation Guidelines project image - street and sidewalks with detour signs

New construction in Halifax’s downtown and other commercial areas is a sign of economic development and vitality, yet can also create unwelcome impacts such as dust, noise, street and sidewalk closures, reduced parking and accessibility.

In February 2016 Regional Council directed the development of new construction guidelines to address impacts of construction activity on businesses, residents and visitors in time for the 2016 construction season. The proposed guidelines are based on best industry practices and stakeholder feedback.

We would like to thank everyone who participated in providing feedback on the proposed guidelines. The proposed construction management guidelines along with a summary of public engagement will be presented to Council shortly.

New construction in Halifax’s downtown and other commercial areas is a sign of economic development and vitality, yet can also create unwelcome impacts such as dust, noise, street and sidewalk closures, reduced parking and accessibility.

In February 2016 Regional Council directed the development of new construction guidelines to address impacts of construction activity on businesses, residents and visitors in time for the 2016 construction season. The proposed guidelines are based on best industry practices and stakeholder feedback.

We would like to thank everyone who participated in providing feedback on the proposed guidelines. The proposed construction management guidelines along with a summary of public engagement will be presented to Council shortly.

Discussions: All (3) Open (0)
  • Do you have any comments or questions about the proposed guidelines?

    almost 9 years ago
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    When the guidelines are adopted, a Construction Management Plan will be required for all construction, demolition, or renovation projects in which work is expected to occur within 5m of the street or is expected to create an obstruction within the street. This will be part of the development application review and approval process.

    It is important to note that all permit applications will be reviewed for their scale and complexity and some may be exempt from certain requirements, subject to the discretion of the Engineer.

  • Is there anything missing from the proposed guidelines?

    almost 9 years ago
    Share Is there anything missing from the proposed guidelines? on Facebook Share Is there anything missing from the proposed guidelines? on Twitter Share Is there anything missing from the proposed guidelines? on Linkedin Email Is there anything missing from the proposed guidelines? link
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    The proposed guidelines will require an owner or operator to submit a  Construction Management Plan  to the municipality as part of the development application review and approval process, and will include the following minimum criteria:

    Project description;Project contact information (Owner and/or Responsible Contractor); Construction schedule; Hours of operation; Site plan; Traffic Control Plan(s) (TCP); Haul routes and staging areas; Pedestrian Management Plan(s) (PMP); Site protection (hoarding) details and aesthetics, if applicable; Signage details; Safety protocols; Overhead crane lifting operation details and locations; Stormwater management plan; Description of noise, dust, and emissions controls. Is there anything missing? 

  • How would you like to be notified about construction projects in your area?

    almost 9 years ago
    Share How would you like to be notified about construction projects in your area? on Facebook Share How would you like to be notified about construction projects in your area? on Twitter Share How would you like to be notified about construction projects in your area? on Linkedin Email How would you like to be notified about construction projects in your area? link
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    The guidelines aim to provide affected residents and businesses with an advance notice of anticipated impacts. As a minimum notification of street closures and utility disruptions will be distributed by hand to the affected businesses and residents within the immediate impacted area 5 days in advance of street closure or utility disruption.