Centre Plan Videos
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PLANifax – Centre Plan Video #1 (of 4)
Part 1 of a four-part series about the Centre Plan provides an overview of the project aimed at building better communities by directing high-quality, well-designed development to neighbourhoods where it...Read more

Centre Plan – Package B – Neighbourhoods - Established Residential - Virtual Meeting #1
Interested in planning issues in your neighbourhood? Check out this video from the first Centre Plan – Package B – Seeking Your Feedback on Neighbourhoods Virtual Meeting.

Centre Plan - Package B - Neighbourhoods - Established Residential - Virtual Meeting #2
Interested in planning issues in your neighbourhood? Check out this video from the second Centre Plan – Package B – Seeking Your Feedback on Neighbourhoods Virtual Meeting.

Centre Plan – Package B – Neighbourhoods - Established Residential - Virtual Meeting #3
Interested in planning issues in your neighbourhood? Check out this video from the third Centre Plan – Package B – Seeking Your Feedback on Neighbourhoods Virtual Meeting.

PLANifax – Centre Plan Video #1 (of 4)
Part 1 of a four-part series about the Centre Plan provides an overview of the project aimed at building better communities by directing high-quality, well-designed development to neighbourhoods where it can be accommodated, and fostering complete and liveable neighbourhoods for residents to live, work and play.

PLANifax - Centre Plan Video #4 (of 4)
Part 4 of a four-part series about the Centre Plan provides an overview of the proposed plan which is designed to create a blueprint for growth in the Regional Centre; directing high-quality development to areas where it can best be accommodated, and providing enhanced protection for established neighbourhoods.

Saint Patrick's Alexandra School Site Future Development
This presentation provides an overview of the planning process and what the community can influence in relation to the future redevelopment of the Saint Patrick's Alexandra site

Saint Patrick’s Alexandra Site Community Consultation
Saint Patrick’s Alexandra Site
The Saint Patrick’s Alexandra former school site located at 2326 Brunswick Street and 2277 Maitland Street is a prominent place in Halifax’s north end. As part of the first phase of Centre Plan Package A, this site was zoned as Higher Order Residential-1 (HR-1), meaning development as a multi-unit residential area with some commercial uses up to a maximum height of 14 metres (typically approximately 4 storeys) would be permitted. In September 2019, Council directed planning staff to explore changing the zoning from the HR-1 zone to the HR-2 zone. The community is invited to provide feedback on policies that will shape future redevelopment of this site.
As part of the Centre Plan (Package B) process, and with support from the HRM African Nova Scotian Affairs and Integration Office (ANSAIO), HRM planning staff hosted a virtual online public consultation meeting on Thursday, November 19, 2020 to present and receive feedback on planning policies that will guide the future redevelopment for the former Saint Patrick’s Alexandra school site. This is the video of that meeting.

Centre Plan | Part One
What is the Centre Plan? Where is our Regional Centre? What are the 7 Themes?

Community Member's Thoughts on the Centre Plan
Capturing some thoughts at the end of the Community Conversation held on November 14th at the Dartmouth Sportsplex

Community Member's Thoughts on the Centre Plan
Capturing some thoughts at the end of the Community Conversation held on November 17th at the Dalhousie Student Union Building

Community Member's Thoughts on the Centre Plan
Capturing some thoughts at the end of the Community Conversation held on November 17th at the Dalhousie Student Union Building

Community Member's Thoughts on the Centre Plan
Capturing some thoughts at the end of the Community Conversation held on November 14th at Northwood

Community Member's Thoughts on the Centre Plan
Capturing some thoughts at the end of the Community Conversation held on November 17th at the Dalhousie Student Union Building