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Potential Changes to By-law N-200 (Noise By-law) for Seasonally Based Construction Hours and Concrete Activities
As the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) experiences growth and economic investment, it is important to understand how the impacts of construction on existing communities and residents are perceived. There are several ways the municipality is managing the impacts of construction. This includes specific requirements for a Construction Management Plan for building permit applications and Lot Grading By-laws. Another method used by the municipality to regulate construction noise is the Noise By-law (N-200) which sets permitted times for all noise-generating construction activities in residential areas.
The impacts and daily times for construction-related noise in residential neighborhoods have been recently reviewed, including consultation with residents and industry. On August 23, 2022 Regional Council approved changes to the Noise By-Law (By-law N-200), which will come into effect on November 21, 2022. This includes:
a reduction in the end-times for all construction-related noise from 9:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Friday;
a reduction in permitted days and hours for rock breaking; and
a new staff exemption process for certain construction activities subject to certain conditions.
Additional Potential Amendments to the Noise By-law
Construction work hours and associated noise are complex topics. Therefore, the Community Planning and Economic Development Committee of Council (CPED) requested further consideration of changes to the Noise By-law to ensure the revised hours strike the right balance. This included the following motions:
June 16, 2022: explore the possibility of regulating construction hours of operation on a seasonal basis and looking at what impact that has on the construction industry; and
September 15, 2022: consider adjusting the daily end time for concrete pouring only back to 9:30 p.m.
We are therefore returning to residents and stakeholders to seek feedback on these potential changes. Please fill in the survey to tell us what you think about changes to the noise by-law. The survey will be open until end-of-day on Monday, October 24, 2022.
Potential Changes to By-law N-200 (Noise By-law) for Seasonally Based Construction Hours and Concrete Activities
As the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) experiences growth and economic investment, it is important to understand how the impacts of construction on existing communities and residents are perceived. There are several ways the municipality is managing the impacts of construction. This includes specific requirements for a Construction Management Plan for building permit applications and Lot Grading By-laws. Another method used by the municipality to regulate construction noise is the Noise By-law (N-200) which sets permitted times for all noise-generating construction activities in residential areas.
The impacts and daily times for construction-related noise in residential neighborhoods have been recently reviewed, including consultation with residents and industry. On August 23, 2022 Regional Council approved changes to the Noise By-Law (By-law N-200), which will come into effect on November 21, 2022. This includes:
a reduction in the end-times for all construction-related noise from 9:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Friday;
a reduction in permitted days and hours for rock breaking; and
a new staff exemption process for certain construction activities subject to certain conditions.
Additional Potential Amendments to the Noise By-law
Construction work hours and associated noise are complex topics. Therefore, the Community Planning and Economic Development Committee of Council (CPED) requested further consideration of changes to the Noise By-law to ensure the revised hours strike the right balance. This included the following motions:
June 16, 2022: explore the possibility of regulating construction hours of operation on a seasonal basis and looking at what impact that has on the construction industry; and
September 15, 2022: consider adjusting the daily end time for concrete pouring only back to 9:30 p.m.
We are therefore returning to residents and stakeholders to seek feedback on these potential changes. Please fill in the survey to tell us what you think about changes to the noise by-law. The survey will be open until end-of-day on Monday, October 24, 2022.