Deaf and hard of hearing recreation pilot program

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Project background:

Regional Council approved an 18-month pilot program to offer sign language, interpreter services as well as to include more technology specifically designed for the Deaf and hard of hearing within municipal recreation programs.

Project progress:

We are working to establish program guidelines and are looking for input on the following topics:

  • what programs and services people who are Deaf or hard of hearing want access to
  • how residents would like to request interpreter services
  • what training would enable front line recreation staff to best support Deaf and hard of hearing residents
  • standards for marketing and communications that meet the needs of the Deaf community

Engagement Sessions:

Residents are invited to share their feedback at two upcoming in-person engagement sessions. The same information will be presented at all sessions:

  • June 11 | 6-8 p.m. Halifax Common Aquatic Facility, Multi-purpose room (1999 Bell Rd.)

  • June 18 | 6-8 p.m. The Findlay Centre (26 Elliot St.)

PLEASE NOTE: ASL Interpreters will be on-site at each engagement session


Next steps: Establish a focus group

Once public feedback is gathered and program guidelines are established, a focus group of dedicated Deaf and hard of hearing community

Project background:

Regional Council approved an 18-month pilot program to offer sign language, interpreter services as well as to include more technology specifically designed for the Deaf and hard of hearing within municipal recreation programs.

Project progress:

We are working to establish program guidelines and are looking for input on the following topics:

  • what programs and services people who are Deaf or hard of hearing want access to
  • how residents would like to request interpreter services
  • what training would enable front line recreation staff to best support Deaf and hard of hearing residents
  • standards for marketing and communications that meet the needs of the Deaf community

Engagement Sessions:

Residents are invited to share their feedback at two upcoming in-person engagement sessions. The same information will be presented at all sessions:

  • June 11 | 6-8 p.m. Halifax Common Aquatic Facility, Multi-purpose room (1999 Bell Rd.)

  • June 18 | 6-8 p.m. The Findlay Centre (26 Elliot St.)

PLEASE NOTE: ASL Interpreters will be on-site at each engagement session


Next steps: Establish a focus group

Once public feedback is gathered and program guidelines are established, a focus group of dedicated Deaf and hard of hearing community