Why does the municipality need an updated Urban Forest Management Plan?

    The municipality manages the health, removal, and replacement of public trees. 

    Trees are an essential part of our community because of the numerous environmental, social, and economical benefits they provide. Some of these benefits include:

    • cooling air temperatures, 
    • cleaning air, 
    • offering high-quality recreational opportunities, 
    • providing habitat to support biodiversity.

    Yet, our urban forest has been facing significant challenges over recent decades that necessitate an updated plan. Examples include adoption of the Regional Plan, climate change and the municipality's climate action plan: HalifACT as well as invasive pests such as the Emerald Ash Borer. The Urban Forest Master Plan will coordinate the updated vision, goals, and targets for the management of municipality's urban forest. The Master Plan will include updated strategies and actions to address the specific urban forest and respond to community values.  

    How can I get more information about urban forest management in the municipality?

    The municipality’s Urban Forestry Division is responsible for the ongoing operations and maintenance of publicly-owned trees, forest health and planning, and forest protection. Learn more about their work